Friday, July 4, 2008

Patrronizing Patriotism

Today is Independence Day, the anniversary of the birth of not only a new nation, but a new sense of optimism, of idealism. Surely we owe the Founders the respect they deserve, as do we owe those who gave their lives to defend these ideals the World.

The love of this great country of ours is an undying commitment. However, how do we measure one's devotion? Is it by waving the American Flag on a daily basis( with more and bigger equaling more patriotic)? Is it by unreluctantly supporting every action that our government partakes in, whether right or wrong?

A true patriot can not be evaluated through superficial activities, nor can he or she be questioned due to dissent.

Too many times, there are those who equate what is all things Christian, conservative, and white, with being "American". Too many times, those critical of the status quo are casted out of the realm of Americanism.

In a recent CNN poll, 90% of those surveyed believe that Senator John McCain, while only 75% believe Senator Barack Obama is. Yes, this does indicate that a vast majority of Americans think Obama loves his country, but what of the 25%? Does choosing not to serve in the military over helping the poorest members of society, or speaking out against an unjust war, or being a member of the Democratic Party, or being married to someone who pointed out past transgressions of the country she loves, make Barack Obama anti-American?

Let's face it, if he was, he would not be in the Senate. If he was, he'd not be running for the highest office in the land.

In the days after September 11, those who would invoke the mildest of criticisms of the Bush Administration would be marked. Millions, including myself, were spat upon in our opposition to the invasion of Iraq. Was our opposition a showing of unpatriotism? Quite the contrary; true patriots let their countrymen know when their country is heading toward a wayward path.

This Nation of ours was not founded by fearful men; it took the highest degree of brevity to resist authority in the defense of liberty. It should be no suprise then, that a man like Thomas Jefferson would say that "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism".
Or Robert F. Kennedy pointng out that, "The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country."

In the spirit of these brave men, let's thank God we're allowed to dissent without's why I celebrate the 4th.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Price of Staying Home...or switching.

Note: I wrote this blog last month; it's been a while since I've posted on Blogger.

I wanted to take this opportunity to address the problem of the 17% of Clinton supporters who claim that they will vote for Sen. McCain and the 22% of them who will not vote in the general election at all(source CNN).

For almost four decades, Hillary Rodham Clinton has dedicated her life to public service; fighting for universal healthcare, women's rights, gay rights, and countless other causes. During the last 16 months, the junior Senator from New York presented a platform that greatly contrasts with the policies of Bush/McCain. It would be a great disservice to Senator Clinton by her supporters if they do not help bring about the change that she was calling for in November by backing Senator Obama.

No one can really deny that 2009 will bring about a strong Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. There will be numerous bills dealing with healthcare, education, labor rights, greenhouse emissions reduction, civil liberties, and so on and so forth.

Clinton supporters who would advocate such legislation should reconsider their reluctance to support Barack Obama, particularly when the only alternative would be electing a Republican President who would veto these bills.

Clinton supporters should realize that Roe v. Wade can be overturned by a Supreme Court re-shaped by a McCain Presidency. Are they really willing to take such a risk?

I find it hard to believe that these so-called "progressives", who have been fighting the Republican agenda for the last 16 months with Hillary would want to derail their own ideals. They can blaim the defeat of Sen. Clinton on mysoginy all they want, but looking back with bitterness is not going to help anyone but the status quo.

Now is not the time for bitterness. The stakes in 2008 are way too high. Hillary has called for party unity, and her supporters should follow her lead.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"America just isn't Ready"

Many, if not all of you, have heard the cynical notion many times during this election season, that America is not ready for a black President or a female president.

First of all, don't ever sentimentalize ignorance and honest to God racism by candy-coating it as regional unawareness of racial diversity. Those who have programmed themselves to never vote for a black man or a woman has trapped themselves in a pre-20th Century mentality that can not be justified.

One thing that I've learned from this election year is that fear is alive and well.
The prospect of an Obama-Clinton or a Clinton-Obama ticket has excited the Democratic Party, but might scare many members of "Middle-White-America".
There are those will suggest that Americans would not want a historical candidacy 'forced down their throats.' To them, I reply by saying that AMERICA HAS TO LOOK IN THE DAMN MIRROR for once.
If not now, then when?

Why should we condone ignorance in an era in which it is imperative for America to advance in education to compete in a global economy?
It's been a half-a-century since racial discrimination was abolished from our laws; can we ever abolish it from our hearts?
Unfortunately, those cynical Americans who cannot are the ones who are supposedly the voters who are the tipping point of this election.

"Skin pigmentation and a lack of a penis is surely the beginning of America's demise" I guess is their philosophy.

Do we want a continuation of an administration that has failed us for 8 years?

I know that I will hear them say, "Andrae, not everyone is as tolerant as you(*Note=The world would be a better place if more people were like me*). There are those in the south and midwest who won't ever think about voting for a woman or an African-American. The Democrats will lose with either of them in the general. America is just not ready."

America wants change; and I will bleed pints of my own blood, work out every ounce of sweat of my being, and give my absolute all in helping either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton take back the White House from the worst administration in my lifetime.

The old saying goes, "I'd rather be strong and wrong that weak and right."

Well, I'm right and strong, and so are the millions of Americans thirsting for Change.

Wake up, America.

Goodnight, and good luck.

"America just isn't Ready"

Many, if not all of you, have heard the cynical notion many times during this election season, that America is not ready for a black President or a female president.

First of all, don't ever sentimentalize ignorance and honest to God racism by candy-coating it as regional unawareness of racial diversity. Those who have programmed themselves to never vote for a black man or a woman has trapped themselves in a pre-20th Century mentality that can not be justified.

One thing that I've learned from this election year is that fear is alive and well.
The prospect of an Obama-Clinton or a Clinton-Obama ticket has excited the Democratic Party, but might scare many members of "Middle-White-America".
There are those will suggest that Americans would not want a historical candidacy 'forced down their throats.' To them, I reply by saying that AMERICA HAS TO LOOK IN THE DAMN MIRROR for once.
If not now, then when?

Why should we condone ignorance in an era in which it is imperative for America to advance in education to compete in a global economy?
It's been a half-a-century since racial discrimination was abolished from our laws; can we ever abolish it from our hearts?
Unfortunately, those cynical Americans who cannot are the ones who are supposedly the voters who are the tipping point of this election.

"Skin pigmentation and a lack of a penis is surely the beginning of America's demise" I guess is their philosophy.

Do we want a continuation of an administration that has failed us for 8 years?

I know that I will hear them say, "Andrae, not everyone is as tolerant as you(*Note=The world would be a better place if more people were like me*). There are those in the south and midwest who won't ever think about voting for a woman or an African-American. The Democrats will lose with either of them in the general. America is just not ready."

America wants change; and I will bleed pints of my own blood, work out every ounce of sweat of my being, and give my absolute all in helping either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton take back the White House from the worst administration in my lifetime.

The old saying goes, "I'd rather be strong and wrong that weak and right."

Well, I'm right and strong, and so are the millions of Americans thirsting for Change.

Wake Up.

Goodnight, and good luck.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nader makes Democrats Ralph...once again.

I'm not saying that he shouldn't be allowed to run, but I think that a candidate whose ultimate goal is to get 1% in a general election should not really be considered a threat.

To his credit, if Al Gore and John Kerry should have been able to wipe the floor with George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. Democrats who would like to blame Mr. Nader for these losses should look no further than the standard-bearer of their party at the time.

Am I worried about a Nader candidacy? Absolutely not. Barack Obama has the capacity to win big against John McCain. History is definitely not on Senator McCain's side, nor is it on Ralph's.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Remembering Tom

Congressman Tom Lantos, who represented San Mateo County for nearly 3 decades in the U.S. House of Representatives, died today at the age of 80.
He recently announced the was diagnosed with cancer, and was retiring his House seat.

Lantos is the only Holocaust survivior ever to serve in Congress, and dedicated his life to public service and fighting for Global Human Rights.

May God bless this true American Hero.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hillary's Secret Weapon...saline.

It's hillarious(no pun intended) that whenever Senator Clinton gets emotional, she earns a bit of momentum going into the next primary.

It worked right before New Hampshire. It worked right before Super Tuesday.

Yesterday, she shed a tear after her huge loss to Senator Barack Obama. Perhaps this will slow Obama's momentum going into the Maine Caucus tonight?
Or will Democratic voters stop falling for this cheap stunt?

Either way, Obama-mentum can't be stopped with dramatic productions, nor can it be stopped with pathetic personal attacks. The only way to stop this Movement is by making us stop believeing... an impossible task.