Friday, September 14, 2007

How can Republicans keep the White House in 2008?

Every, if not, most polls show that, in a hypotheical general elction, a Democrat will be the 44th president of the United States. This should have Republicans worried.

However, in order to avoid a wipeout in November of 2008, the Republicans have to do one of two things:

1. Nominate Rudy Giuliani as their nominee.
2. Nominate an anti-war/troop surge candidate(Paul, Brownback, or Hagel)

The second part is much more difficult to attain. I'm not sure if Hagel is going to jump into the fray, and Brownback is so far to the Right on most other issues that he would hand over the election to the Dems.

Ron Paul, on the other hand, is rare breed of Republican: an honest libertarian who stands up for Goldwaterian ideals. His rhetoric strikes a chord with many paleo-conservatives, but the mainstream establishment GOP cannot stomach the man.

Republicans: Nominate for Rudolph W. Giuliani.

Rudy Giuliani is the most popular politician in America(60+ percent of registered voters give him a good approval rating). Most Americans agree with him on most of the issues: Pro-choice, anti-partial birth, pro-civil union, pro-gun owner and pro-gun control, anti-tax, pro-environment, and he's tough on crime and will be hard-as-nails in pursuing the War on Terrorism. Yes, he's solidly behind the troop surge, but at least people will know where he stands on the issues. Unlike his opponents, Giuliani is unabated in regards to his positions. McCain was once a "maverick" of the party, but is now sucking up to the 700 Club and all of its self-righteous leaders. Mitt Romney can't stop flip-flopping; at least John Kerry knew when to stop.

America likes strong leadership, and Rudy has proven it. And let us not forget what he did for NYC(Pre and Post 9-11). Crime fell by 67% and the private sector boomed. Impressive for a city once thought of as going straight to Hell. I personally like Rudy's undetered efforts to put mob bosses behind bars and prossecute them at the same time. Crime fighters always get a big plus with the voters; let me tell you, if there was a hypothetical election between Batman and Gandhi, the voters would elect the Dark Avenger in a landslide. An anti-death penalty liberal candidate should really rethink their position if Giuliani is the nominee(but try not to sound too "flip-floppy"). Thompson played a tough-on-crime knight on television, but Rudy is the real deal.

He's going to have a rough time in the primaries, but trust me GOP, you won't regret having Rudy as your nominee, especially if pitted against Hillary, Obama or Edwards.

My pick for the Republican nomination(and possibly the next president, given that Hillary is the Dem's choice): Mayor Rudy Giuliani.



Anonymous said...

Yours is by far the best blog so far. :)

Senator Macadowsish said...

I never cease to amaze myself.