I need not remind anyone who is following the presidential race how Republican Ron Paul is stirring quite a buzz in the media; he has the most requested videos of any of the candidates on YouTube, of all things. His views, which may be a stark departure from his GOP rivals, are remarkably similar to Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Newt Gingrich: a libertarian belief that government(whether intervening in social or economic issues) is essentially bad. I do not necessarily agree with this assertion, but I would like to point out Congressman Paul to any neo-conservative or religious zealot who claim to represent the Republican Party.
I decided to attend his campaign rally in Mountain View last month. I would have never guessed it was a rally for a Republican candidate: anti-war activists, anti-WTO punks, pro-life activists, pro-gun rights punks, the Minute Man Militia, minorities, old people, young people, they all united behind one candidate.
Realistically, Mr. Paul will not win his party's nomination. However, he has no doubt shaped the GOP debate(really angering Rudy when he said that 9/11 had occurred because of American foreign policy, and not the mere fact that the Arabs just "hate us")and woke up many Republicans who have been asleep as their party was hijacked.
1 comment:
Madison: If men were angels there would be no need for government.
Good to see that you're getting involved politically.
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