Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Price of Staying Home...or switching.

Note: I wrote this blog last month; it's been a while since I've posted on Blogger.

I wanted to take this opportunity to address the problem of the 17% of Clinton supporters who claim that they will vote for Sen. McCain and the 22% of them who will not vote in the general election at all(source CNN).

For almost four decades, Hillary Rodham Clinton has dedicated her life to public service; fighting for universal healthcare, women's rights, gay rights, and countless other causes. During the last 16 months, the junior Senator from New York presented a platform that greatly contrasts with the policies of Bush/McCain. It would be a great disservice to Senator Clinton by her supporters if they do not help bring about the change that she was calling for in November by backing Senator Obama.

No one can really deny that 2009 will bring about a strong Democratic majority in both houses of Congress. There will be numerous bills dealing with healthcare, education, labor rights, greenhouse emissions reduction, civil liberties, and so on and so forth.

Clinton supporters who would advocate such legislation should reconsider their reluctance to support Barack Obama, particularly when the only alternative would be electing a Republican President who would veto these bills.

Clinton supporters should realize that Roe v. Wade can be overturned by a Supreme Court re-shaped by a McCain Presidency. Are they really willing to take such a risk?

I find it hard to believe that these so-called "progressives", who have been fighting the Republican agenda for the last 16 months with Hillary would want to derail their own ideals. They can blaim the defeat of Sen. Clinton on mysoginy all they want, but looking back with bitterness is not going to help anyone but the status quo.

Now is not the time for bitterness. The stakes in 2008 are way too high. Hillary has called for party unity, and her supporters should follow her lead.

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