Monday, September 17, 2007

Sheiks and Steering Wheels

We all dread going to the DMV; long lines, tired-looking people, and of course the usual rude "customer service" representative. Despite our mutual loathing for the "Department of Moronic Villains", we as Americans take our privilege to drive cars for granted. After all, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not permit women to drive; it is the only country in the world to do so.

However, according to the Associated Press, women are finally banding together, forming a committee to urge King Abdullah to allow them to drive automobiles. It is highly unlikely that the monarch would give such a basic right to women at this time.

I have always been an opponent of the Iraqi invasion, and I do not like the idea of meddling in the affairs of other sovereign countries. However, I do find in unfortunate that the Saudis are one of our closest "allies". If the United States is to show moral authority by upholding democracy and denouncing tyranny worldwide, it is certainly showing hypocrisy by befriending downright enemies of human rights.

The only way to win this "War on Terror" is by winning the hearts and minds of those who feel that they are oppressed. Getting into bed with their oppressors surely will not make us look like a liberator, or an "arsenal of democracy."

Goodnight, and good luck.


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