Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Election Night 2007 Predictions

Many of you will read this and ask yourselves, "Andrae, this isn't like you. Shouldn't you be going more in depth with this?"

Yeah, you're right; I SHOULD. Unfortunately my school workload has prevented me from studying a lot of the 2007 local races. However, I can say with total confidence that these two things will happen tonight:

1. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom will win in a landslide tonight; capturing at least 60% and at most 70% of the vote, avoiding a December run-off.

2. Benicians will elect Bill Whitney as their next mayor, with the addition of Scott Strawbridge and Mike Iokamendes to the city council.

There you have it. I swear to you, my section on the Iowa Caucuses will be much better.

Goodnight, and good luck.

photo: http://www.sfgate.com

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