Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kicking the Tires, but Not So Much Lighting the Fires.

This post could have been about Sen. Larry Craig's refusal to resign from the Senate, or Al Gore's possible Nobel Prize nomination, or even Hillary Clinton's cleavage and giggle. However, I just had a nightmare of a morning.

What happened was one of my tires exploded as I was driving to class. Not only did I miss all of my Tuesday classes waiting at Pep Boys as unusually friendly mechanichs replaced my shredded tire, but my friend(whom I drop off work every morning) was an hour and a half late.

One may wonder why I would post such a story on my unambiguously political blog. I thought about it too. I remembered something Ralph Nader said a few years ago: "If you're not turned on to politics, politics will turn on you."

My father always reminded me that the now-blown-up was soft, and that I had to keep a close eye on it. I didn't see it as a big deal; I had too much going on with school and work to even care. Unfortunately, my neglect led to the demise of my tire.

Perhaps this metaphor can apply to the upcoming election. It would be irresponsible for us to ignore the issues of this very important contest; decisions made by the next president could very well effect my generation for years to come.

I hope voters stay alert this election, for all of our sakes.

Goodnight, and Goodluck.

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